IMO Point System
The number of points a member has at the time of trip applications will be used to measure involvement in the organization and help with interview decisions.
2 points - General Body Meetings, Health Trainings, events, and fundraisers
- ​This includes ​events like taco night, game night, and the Valentines date auction.
3 points - Volunteer events and Amways fundraisers
This includes volunteering like Clean the World, Give Kids the World, and the Suicide Prevention Walk.
1 point - Tabling, tabling fundraisers, and socials
This includes socials like the movie night social, thanksgiving social, and Halloween social
Points will be rewarded for bringing in donations with the same breakdown as for service hours
You can receive a maximum of 5 points for donations per semester
Graduate school test prep course
Free IMO dues for the next school year
2 IMO merch prize baskets
1 Gift card prize basket
1st place will pick the prize they would like first, followed by 2nd place, 3rd place, 4th place, then 5th place.
All members will be evaluated at the end of the spring semester and the winner of each prize will be announced at the end of the year banquet.